Friday, June 10, 2011

The love of my life!

Today is our anniversary.  I'm SO blessed to be sharing life's journey with you!  Loves!

Together since June 10, 2005 <3

To commemorate this day, here are a few pictures from over the years....

Roadtrip!  I'm, uh, checking my voicemail, Mom...

Visiting Danny!
Same roadtrip, but now I'm in the backseat!

My trusty Taiwan fishy!

Aerial shot!  Can you see her?!

Remember how the windshield used to be cracked?!!  

Ooo, shiny!

Today is also the anniversary of my high school graduation, as well as THE day of my younger brother Scott's graduation.  It's kind of trippy, because I remember when he was born.

(In case you didn't pick up on my ironic overuse of exclamation points, I'm not actually obsessed with my car.)


Jeff said...

That's so special. I'm so happy for you two.

thirdofeight said...

Yes, TELLLLL me about it.

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