Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ice Cold Lemonade. No, seriously.

*note: there's another post below this one that I wrote first. I'm finally catching up on life.

I have a good friend (actually a buddy from my semester at Nauvoo) we call Jared W who gets great ideas. I feel fortunate just to be able to participate in some of his schemes. This time it was setting up a free lemonade stand on top of Mt. Timpanogus. Why? Well, why not? Jared's philosophy is that any place can be bettered with a lemonade stand. I'm inclined to agree. Besides, what sounds better than an ice cold glass of lemonade after a 6 mile hike and a 4000 foot elevation change? Nothing. My roommate Jackie and I both happen to independently know this kid, so we both got to participate. We set out early Labor Day morning with several other friends and had an enjoyable hike up the mountain in the fresh morning air.

Near the top of Timp is a glacier lake called Emerald Lake that is super cold year round. After reaching it we selected an open area on a small peninsula that juts out into the lake and set up camp.

Jared W and his brother came prepared with a sign, 6 containers of Country Time Lemonade mix, plastic cups, pitchers, wooden spoon, and water filters. We all brought some food to share too including some delicious cookies Jackie brought. We all took turns pumping water and preparing the lemonade.

At first the response wasn't too overwhelming because despite the warm sunshine a bitterly cold wind was blowing so we had a lot more requests for hot chocolate. We had to huddle for warmth ourselves.
As the afternoon wore on and the wind died down, we got more "customers." I think some were a bit wary and suspicious, but most thought it was a great idea and greatly appreciated the refreshment. We actually made a few friends that hung around for a while.
After a while I decided to hike to the saddle with a few other people which is where one can overlook all of Utah Valley (the lake is on the back side of the mountain). All the way up to the saddle we'd tell people to stop and get free lemonade at the lake, and most people didn't believe us. They'd say things like "Yeah, and there's hamburgers at the summit too" or "There's soft serve ice cream at the saddle." We did our best to convince them but we can't help if they choose not to believe. We saw mountain goats along the way.

We didn't have time to get all the way to the summit, but it was still pretty cool to be that high up in the world. We stayed for 10-15 min and took fun pictures before we had to start our hike back down the mountain.
This picture was taken with my phone, so that's why it's a little grainy.

Jared didn't accompany us to the saddle, but he reported great success back at the lake. We figured we ended up making about 15 gallons of lemonade altogether, and served at least 150 people. All in all, I'd say it was a good day, and the perfect way to end the summer.

1 comment:

Poolegs said...

Yeah you updated! Love to hear the most important details of your life!

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