My favorite information is seeing where people are at when they viewed my blog. The countries with the most pageviews are listed. Of course, by far the place most people view it from is the United States, but surprisingly (or maybe not) the second on the list is Brazil. I had a brother and cousin serve missions in Brazil for our church so they probably pulled it up once in a while. Tied for third are Azerbaijan, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The latter two are explainable-- I know of readers in each place-- but the former? I had to Google it because I'd never heard of it before. Who might have found me in Azerbaijan? Must have turned up in a random web search. To round out the list, fourth most popular is Russia trailed by Burundi, Latvia, Ukraine, and Denmark respectively. As far flung as they may seem, I can actually guess who was viewing it in eastern Europe and Denmark, but I don't know anyone in Burundi. Must have been other fluke hits. I'm surprised Germany and Taiwan didn't make the list since I know I have/had readers in each. I guess the system isn't perfect or comprehensive. But it is certainly entertaining!
Greetings to my readers everywhere! I'm always flattered when people want to read what I write. Even if you have stumbled here by accident, thanks for visiting and feel free to stay a while.